About Us

Equipes Notre-Dame in Baltic Region

„The essential goal of the Teams of Our Lady is to help couples achieve holiness: nothing more and nothing less“

Equipes Notre Dame -Teams of Our Lady is an international lay movement within the Catholic Church dedicated to enriching the spirituality of marriage and making marriages better. Teams provide a way to enrich and develop a prayer life that helps couples grow closer to God and each other.

The team consists of five to seven couples whose marriage is recognized by the Catholic Church. The team meets once a month, changing each time at one of the participating couples’ homes. Teams may have a spiritual advisor or priest as part of their team. A priest – a spiritual advisor comes to the meeting to provide his theological knowledge and experience. The team shares a simple meal, prayer, sharing efforts, aspirations and study topic. Aspirations are the heart of team spirit. The team becomes a close community where we can inspire each other with living examples of faith and share with each other our struggles and successes on the road to holiness.

The Teams of Our Lady, a gift of the Holy Spirit, are offered to couples around the world to help them mature and realize their marital spirituality.


This is how Christ addresses all the baptized (Christians), inviting them to be open to His love and
to witness it. This invitation is also extended to married couples: they are encouraged to discover God in the heart of conjugal love. Thus human love becomes the image of divine love.


The movement is under the patronage of the Mother of God, because it is Mary who leads us towards her Son, Christ, who is the center of the team members’ spiritual life . Because of her dedication to God’s will, Mary is the perfect example of obedience to the Holy Spirit that married couples should follow.

To travel together with Christ personally and as a couple, to live in everyday life based on the Sacrament of Marriage and to bear fruit – this is the goal that the members of the  teams strive for. Saying “I love you” to someone also means:

“We will do everything to make our love grow, so that the idea we embark on will be an exciting adventure.” We will create something together, in God’s presence and with His help.”


Teams of Our Lady desire to help couples live more according to the Gospel, leaning on other team members and drawing strength from the Movement as a whole.

Teams of Our Lady offer each couple:

  • the Christian way of life in today’s world;
  • methods to help live according to the teachings of Christ;
  • a community striving for the same ideal;
  • spiritual, human and material mutual assistance;
  • the opportunity to study and reflect together, thereby deepening faith and correctly forming conscience;
  • guidelines that help to improve in the love of God and neighbor;
  • a structure that revitalizes and promotes movement unity throughout the world;
  • The sacrament of marriage would unite the community of Christian couples, accompanied by a spiritual assistant.

Why the team?

  • Most couples face similar challenges, so it's easier to overcome them together.

  • A special community is created in the team by sharing the reality of everyday life.

  • 4-7 married couples and a priest form a team. The support of a priest for each team is an essential feature of the movement.

How does the team work?

  • We meet once a month at the homes of different couples.

  • We eat together, share the most important personal events, pray, discuss aspirations, discuss the topic of study.

Who can participate in the movement?

  • All couples married in the Catholic Church and:

  • Living together in joy and sorrow, in a crisis of faith or witnessing it live.

  • Those looking for the meaning of life or having found it, longing for a beautiful and meaningful time with their spouse, longing to walk the path of holiness together.

Join, you are very welcome

For those who want to join E.N.D. in Baltic region, write or call:

„I am deeply convinced that participation in the activities of the Teams of Our Lady is a blessing from heaven both for the priest and for the families; helps everyone to grow and mature spiritually.“

Contact Us

Severina and Mindaugas Šedžiai
END responsible couple for Baltic region

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